Christmas is just around the corner, meaning it’s about time to start hanging your Christmas lights! These add sparkle and warmth to the season, but they can also increase the risk of fires and injuries if not used safely.
It’s vital that you keep safety at the forefront while hanging and installing this year’s lights to avoid a disaster. Read on to learn how to hang Christmas lights outside safely!
The first step to take is to make sure that you follow the manufacturer’s directions for installation; read the instructions carefully, even if the process seems simple. Before installing your lighting, look at each string of lights. If you see any frayed or damaged wires, you need to purchase a new set of lights to avoid a fire hazard. After inspecting the lights, plug them in before you start hanging them so you can replace any burnt out bulbs.
Always check that your extension cords are UL approved and specifically rated for outdoor use, and keep the connections away from snow and water. Use the correct length and do not overload them. Before installing, check the wattage rating of the extension cord and the power requirements of the lights to make sure they are compatible. Doing this will avoid overheating and fire.
Never use indoor lights outdoors, as this is a significant safety hazard. Always use waterproof or water-resistant lights when installing outdoor Christmas lights. If you’re not sure whether your lights are safe for outdoor use, check the color of the UL mark on the product’s package. If it’s red, it means that the lights are safe for both indoor and outdoor use.
If you have any questions about installing Christmas lights this season, give us a call at Lightfoot Plumbing, Heating, Air & Electrical! Our electricians are standing by to help!