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Should I Upgrade My Electrical Panel?

An overwhelmed or malfunctioning electrical panel can do more than just annoy you. It can cause everything from major electrical problems to house fires.

Because of this, you want to be sure to replace your panel whenever it needs to be replaced. Read on or watch our YouTube video below to learn when we often recommend an electrical panel upgrade.

Your Electrical Panel Is Old

Most panels are designed to last between 20 and 30 years. If yours is older than that, it should at least get inspected regularly to make sure that nothing dangerous is going on. Older panels are not made to handle the same amount of electricity as newer ones, so you may need an electrical panel upgrade even if yours is still working well.

Your Electrical Panel Is Full

If you need a new circuit installed and there’s not space for another breaker on your electrical panel, it may be time to install a new one. You can also install a second one, depending on the age of the current one and how well it works. We can take a look at the situation and make a recommendation based on our professional electrical experience.

Not sure if you need a new circuit? We can tell you that, too. In general, if you’re installing new appliances that will draw a lot of power, it’s a good idea to put them on their own circuit. You may also need a new circuit if you are renovating or expanding your home or if your current circuits aren’t adequate for the power you need.

Your Circuit Breakers Flip Often

Most houses have circuit breakers flip here and there. After all, that’s their job! However, if you have one breaker that flips all the time or all of your breakers seem to flip randomly and regularly, it’s time to take a look at the electrical panel. Yours could require some repair, or it may simply not be reliable anymore and it might be time to replace it before something dangerous happens. Our electricians can take a look and let you know ASAP.

Get Help From Professional Fort Worth Electricians

At Lightfoot, our experienced Fort Worth electricians know how to upgrade an electrical panel while keeping you and your family safe. When we’re done, you’ll know for sure that your electricity is running well and you won’t have to worry about dangerous electrical situations anymore. Contact us today to ask, “Should I upgrade my electrical panel?” or to get the new panel you need.

Meet the Author
Gary Lightfoot

With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Gary Lightfoot took over his family business and continues to run it with the values and standards set 35 years ago

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